Brave or bold?

Have you ever done something brave? Or been called brave?

I did something yesterday and two separate people have told me it was a brave thing to do. It got me thinking what does brave actually mean? Dodging bullets? Jumping off a bridge? Fighting illness? Speaking out for something you believe in?

I didn’t do any of the above. Not yesterday anyway.

I don’t particularly think what I did was brave, but if I think about it, it did take a bit of courage. Getting out of the comfort zone. Putting yourself out there. Opening yourself up for judgement. Knowing that things would change forever, regardless of the outcome. Risking something that’s important, knowing there’s a chance you could lose it.

So why do it?

Because the opposite is staying still. Not seeing what’s out there. Because there could be something amazing that could happen. Because if you never try, you never know.

I’m not one for What If’s. I like to give things a go, see what happens. Even if things go wrong, it’s how you deal with it that’s important, not the outcome.

Maybe being brave is about taking a risk or a chance. Knowing there’s a risk or a chance, and doing it anyway. Standing up and saying “Fuck it, do it”. Following your heart, not knowing where it would lead, or knowing it will lead somewhere that’s not necessarily the norm.Taking that massive giant leap into the unknown.

What’s the worst that could happen? You grow as a person, in one way or another. And that’s no bad thing. Oh yeah, sometimes things don’t work out the way I’d like. And yes, there’s a couple of things in life I wish I’d never done, but I don’t dwell on them. All of it makes me who I am now, and I can’t rewrite the past. Just try to learn from it and make sure I don’t make that mistake again. I’m working on that.

I don’t think I’m brave, but a hell of a lot of people I know are. Everyone’s got their own challenges, struggles in life. I salute you all.

And to the people I know who are on the edge of that bridge at the moment wondering whether to jump off or not:

DO IT. There’s a bungee cord attached to your feet; it’s called YOU. You can make sure you’ll be ok, no matter what happens. There are always choices.



It’s all news to you. My blog that is. Not really to me, of course, I’m the one living it. I’ve been thinking about my blog over the last few days though. About why I’m doing it, what I’m writing, who I’m writing for and what it means.

I seem to have fallen into a little bit of a trap of just writing about where I’ve been and what I’ve done in a very matter of fact way, and I really don’t want my posts to be like that. Since I started this blog at the beginning of the year, it’s been a place to write about my thoughts and what’s in my head (my thought bubbles), or about what I’ve been up to or how I’m thinking or dealing with stuff that I need or have to do, or just how I go about daily life. But not in a stilted, informational way. When I started my blog I wasn’t writing for anyone else but me, although I know a few people read it. Since I’ve been travelling it’s obviously a great way for people to keep up to date with what I’m up to and where I am, so I guess subconsciously that’s how I’ve been writing it. But I feel like I’m losing the way I like to write. So, I’m going to try to get back to writing how I want, and about the stuff I like to write about. But, don’t worry, I’ll still write about the places I’m visiting.

I think some of the problem is that I sometimes don’t have a huge amount of time to write. Now you’re probably thinking “Really? You don’t have a job and are pretty much on a permanent holiday and have all day every day, so what’s the problem?”. But that’s not really the case. I can be out and about most of the day, then maybe out again at night, or have stuff to do (admin days), and then some of the time I just don’t fancy writing. If I’m not in the right mood I find it quite hard to find the right words and put them down on paper (or computer, you know what I mean). Especially getting into the matter-of-fact way of writing – it’s not a style I like and I find it a bit boring. It’s less writing about what is in my head and more trying to recall what I’ve been up to over preceding days/weeks (which, when you’re quite busy doing new stuff all the time can be hard work; all the days merge into one and I forget what I did, and where, and when).

Blogging is a funny thing though. There are so many different types. I’ve thought about it, and I write this one definitely for me. If it entertains others and they enjoy reading it then that’s good as well. I know it’s a great way to keep my friends and family updated, but it can feel a bit like a window. A window that behind which is my life, my travels. A window that everyone else is looking through. Observing. But, never knocking at the door, or never wanting to open the window to speak to me. To say hello. To let me know what’s going on behind their windows. It’s a strange feeling. I like interacting. I like chatting and speaking to people. I want to look in other people’s windows, but I want to open the windows, to lean in and ask them questions or to just have a chat.  And in turn, I’ll answer questions, or have a chat.

So I’d love it if you want to leave a comment. Or ask me a question. Or just say hello.

Keep in touch. It’s good to talk.